Today, you turned 1 week old! I cannot believe it! Daddy went back to work today which I know it was hard for him to leave you but important for him to get back. We started your 1 week birthday by picking up Nani and heading to the hospital again to get your billirubin drawn, we are PRAYING your jaundice is going away, and you won't have to use the billi blanket any longer. After the blood test, we headed to your 1st Dr. appointment with Dr. Beardman. She checked you over and let Nani and I know that besides the jaundice you looked great! You weighed 5lbs 2oz, which was less than what you weight at birth but that is normal. Dr. Beardman did let us know that she wanted you to gain 3.5 oz a week minimum, which puts a lot of pressure on Mommy but I'm up for any challenge that has to do with my angel!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
First Bath
You had your first bath tonight. You DID NOT enjoy it, you screamed so loud and were not happy with Mommy and Daddy! Hopefully next time you enjoy your bath a little bit more. =)
We're home!
We finally got to head home Wednesday evening and now we are adjusting to life with you, our precious baby girl!
The past 3 days at home have been quite different from before you were here, but in the BEST way. Since you were so early (4 weeks) we didn't have a couple things we needed in place quite yet. The weekend before you were born Mommy and Daddy ordered your pack and play for our room on the computer, needless to say it didn't arrive by the time you surprised us so Lauren Mommy's friend let us borrow hers. haha
When we left the hospital the nurses suggested Mommy set an alarm to get you up and eating every 3 hours, you have NOT needed that alarm once in the past 3 days we've been home! You wake up on your on during the day and night about every 1.5-2 hours to eat! and boy do you eat!
Thursday morning 1/26 the home nurse came to visit and check in on you, she also had to check your blood to see if your billirubin level was elevated still. We then got a phone call from Dr. Beardman your pediatrician that told us your levels were a little high, we were told to get them checked again Friday morning 1/27. Unfortunately Friday morning your levels were higher, so they ordered you a bili blanket, it wrapped around your body and you lit up like a glow worm! Saturday morning 1/28 we went back to the hospital and got your levels checked again, Dr. Rogers called us and let us know to continue using the light for one more day and go back, yes go back, again Sunday morning. We got the call Sunday afternoon that your level went down and we could stop using the light, golly molly, we were happy. Mommy and Daddy did not like wrapping you up in that silly thing all day long.
Tomorrow you will be one week old, Daddy will go back to work and Mommy and you will start the next 7 weeks together before Mommy goes back to school.
The past 3 days at home have been quite different from before you were here, but in the BEST way. Since you were so early (4 weeks) we didn't have a couple things we needed in place quite yet. The weekend before you were born Mommy and Daddy ordered your pack and play for our room on the computer, needless to say it didn't arrive by the time you surprised us so Lauren Mommy's friend let us borrow hers. haha
When we left the hospital the nurses suggested Mommy set an alarm to get you up and eating every 3 hours, you have NOT needed that alarm once in the past 3 days we've been home! You wake up on your on during the day and night about every 1.5-2 hours to eat! and boy do you eat!
Thursday morning 1/26 the home nurse came to visit and check in on you, she also had to check your blood to see if your billirubin level was elevated still. We then got a phone call from Dr. Beardman your pediatrician that told us your levels were a little high, we were told to get them checked again Friday morning 1/27. Unfortunately Friday morning your levels were higher, so they ordered you a bili blanket, it wrapped around your body and you lit up like a glow worm! Saturday morning 1/28 we went back to the hospital and got your levels checked again, Dr. Rogers called us and let us know to continue using the light for one more day and go back, yes go back, again Sunday morning. We got the call Sunday afternoon that your level went down and we could stop using the light, golly molly, we were happy. Mommy and Daddy did not like wrapping you up in that silly thing all day long.
Tomorrow you will be one week old, Daddy will go back to work and Mommy and you will start the next 7 weeks together before Mommy goes back to school.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
At the hospital
You were born on Monday night January 23, 2012 at 910pm! We spent that night and Tuesday night at the hospital, the nurses were monitoring your temperature as you were having trouble regulating it all by yourself. We finally got to head home on Wednesday evening after your temperature stayed above 97.6 for 24 hours.
You had to stay in the NICU overnight our first night in the hospital so Nani didn't get to meet you until the next day, luckily Daddy caught a picture of her first time holding you.
There were so many people that came to see you; Nani, Papa, Uncle Phil, Grandma & Grandpa Cook, Aunt Nancy & Uncle Joey, Tammy, Adelia, Nevin, Aunt Liz, Lauren, Emily, Lori and Andrea.
Here are some pics of you with your visitors.

Still in awe of my little girl, Mommy could look at you all day! |
A VERY tired Mommy at your FIRST feeding Tuesday, Jan. 24 @ 12:30am |
Content in Daddy's arms |
Daddy lovin on you |
You've got Daddy wrapped around your little finger already! |
3 generations! (don't mind Mommy, she was SUPER sleepy) |
Nani holds you for the first time |
Here are some pics of you with your visitors.
Flowers from Bell Prairie PTA, card from the Kirby's and a book of letters from Mommy's class |
Monday, January 23, 2012
36 week SURPRISE...
Today Mommy and Daddy woke up to get ready for our first of 4 weekly visits to the Dr. We finally made it to the 9th month of pregnancy, at times we thought it would never come! After eating breakfast we packed our lunches for work, got into the car and headed to the Dr. not knowing, in the slightest what the day would hold.
A timeline of the days events...
9:00am-The Dr visit started off as usual, weight (boo), heartbeat 149, and any concerns. At this time Mommy explained to the Dr what had went on that past Friday and described what the other Dr said when I came in to the office Friday afternoon. This time though, Dr. Kramer seemed a little more concerned, especially when Mommy told her she was up the night before because it felt again like she'd had a little accident. (3 times)
Dr. Kramer decided to check Mommy to see what was going on. As she was checking Mommy, Daddy was holding my hand and reassuring me that everything was going to be fine. All of the sudden Daddy left Mommy's side and Dr. Kramer told Mommy she needed to check the fluid under the microscope that she was finding, because Mommy was starting to bleed. How scary! In the meantime nurses were coming in and out of the room with wash cloths and water...but why?? It was for Daddy! He had gotten really light headed and sick from seeing Mommy in pain and bleeding.
Dr. Kramer came back in and told us that what was leaking was in fact amniotic fluid, which means we needed to head upstairs to labor and delivery. We were going to have you that day or the next! 9:30 am--Daddy and I just looked at eachother like WHAT?! Dr. Kramer described what would happen after we made it upstairs, the plan was to give Mommy cervadil which would soften her cervix, that would stay in for 12 hours and then we would begin pitocin which would make me contract and start laboring. Dr. Kramer left the room a came back with a sono machine to check the amount of fluid still left, luckily there was a lot left in there for you, which made Mommy feel better. After she checked we headed upstairs, nervous, anxious, excited and scared for what was to come, afterall you were supposed to grow in my belly for 4 more weeks.
10 am--Daddy and I made it upstairs, got checked in and waited for Nani.
10:30am--The nurses came in and explained the plan again and then gave Mommy the cervidil. The plan was for it to be in for 12 hours, so Daddy left to go get out hospital bag and Nani and I started the waiting game. Little did we know, we wouldn't be waiting as long as we thought.
2:30pm--The nurse checked me and I was only dialated to a 2 so we thought for sure we had a long ways to go. Daddy was helping Mommy breathe through the contractions, as well as, taking pictures through the whole thing and of course watching a movie HITCH (which actually did help me take my mind off the contractions) The contractions began to get stronger and closer together but the monitor wasn't working and the contractions weren't showing up at all so Mommy looked like a big baby complaining about the pain.
4pm--In between contractions, daddy and I post on Facebook (hehe) the good news, Daddy captured a picture of the event. If you didn't know he is picture happy!
A timeline of the days events...
9:00am-The Dr visit started off as usual, weight (boo), heartbeat 149, and any concerns. At this time Mommy explained to the Dr what had went on that past Friday and described what the other Dr said when I came in to the office Friday afternoon. This time though, Dr. Kramer seemed a little more concerned, especially when Mommy told her she was up the night before because it felt again like she'd had a little accident. (3 times)
Dr. Kramer decided to check Mommy to see what was going on. As she was checking Mommy, Daddy was holding my hand and reassuring me that everything was going to be fine. All of the sudden Daddy left Mommy's side and Dr. Kramer told Mommy she needed to check the fluid under the microscope that she was finding, because Mommy was starting to bleed. How scary! In the meantime nurses were coming in and out of the room with wash cloths and water...but why?? It was for Daddy! He had gotten really light headed and sick from seeing Mommy in pain and bleeding.
Dr. Kramer came back in and told us that what was leaking was in fact amniotic fluid, which means we needed to head upstairs to labor and delivery. We were going to have you that day or the next! 9:30 am--Daddy and I just looked at eachother like WHAT?! Dr. Kramer described what would happen after we made it upstairs, the plan was to give Mommy cervadil which would soften her cervix, that would stay in for 12 hours and then we would begin pitocin which would make me contract and start laboring. Dr. Kramer left the room a came back with a sono machine to check the amount of fluid still left, luckily there was a lot left in there for you, which made Mommy feel better. After she checked we headed upstairs, nervous, anxious, excited and scared for what was to come, afterall you were supposed to grow in my belly for 4 more weeks.
10 am--Daddy and I made it upstairs, got checked in and waited for Nani.
10:30am--The nurses came in and explained the plan again and then gave Mommy the cervidil. The plan was for it to be in for 12 hours, so Daddy left to go get out hospital bag and Nani and I started the waiting game. Little did we know, we wouldn't be waiting as long as we thought.
12:30 pm--Mommy was laying in bed she heard a "pop" then felt a gush of water come out! My water broke, and because of that it made the cervidil come out, although at the time, we didn't know that.
After my water broke the contractions came, very mild at first. The Waiting game... |
4pm--In between contractions, daddy and I post on Facebook (hehe) the good news, Daddy captured a picture of the event. If you didn't know he is picture happy!
4:30pm--Mommy was getting uncomfortable due to the contractions, she asked the nurse to readjust the monitor and the contractions began to show up, closer and stronger than what everyone thought. Mommy asked for some pain meds so she could rest a little bit, for the supposed long night ahead. The nurse checked Mommy and she was still dialated to a 2, the nurse didn't think we would be having a baby anytime soon and neither did Mommy, Daddy or Nani.
6 pm--Contractions were getting worse, medicine was not helping, Mommy was in pain. The nurse asked Mommy if she would like another dose of pain medicine, Mommy said yes.
7pm--The nurse checked Mommy and she was dialated to a 5, things were moving a bit quicker now, but we STILL believed we had a long night of pitocin ahead. Mommy told the nurse the last dose of pain meds didn't work at all, the nurse asked Mommy if she wanted her to order the epidural, Mommy said yes please. I was thinking, FINALLY I will get some relief and get to watch the contractions on the monitor without feeling them. Boy was I mistaken.
815 pm-The Dr. came in to give me epidural, at this time Mommy was in a LOT of pain, no medicine had worked and the contractions were intense! The nurse checked Mommy and she was dialated to a nine. We needed to move quickly with this epidural for Mommy.
Signing off for the epidural |
850 pm-The Dr finally finished with the epidural and Mommy was feeling so much pressure, she told the nurse what she was feeling. The nurse checked Mommy and felt your head and a lot of hair! It was almost time to push!!
9 pm- Dr. Reardon came in and told me whenever I was ready I could start pushing! Holy Moly, here we go!
901pm--Mommy started pushing, Daddy was such a good coach for Mommy. Helping me stay focused and push, telling me what a good job I was doing. Mommy gave 3 big pushes, and took a breather in between until she heard your head was almost out. Then Mommy got determined, 1 more big push and you were BORN!
910 pm-- Gianna Elyse Cook (you) were born. You were perfect!!! Daddy cut your cord and Dr. Reardon handed you to Mommy, you were beautiful and so perfect! Mommy just cried when she saw your face. Daddy was smiling from ear to ear, it was the most perfect moment! We loved you instantly.
Our ABSOLUTELY PERFECT Baby Girl!! We LOVE you!! |
Sunday, January 22, 2012
9 MONTHS!---Wow
Well I cannot believe I am typing this, but Mommy is OFFICIALLY 9 months pregnant with you! Holy Moly that means you are very close to meeting Daddy and I! We are overwhelmed with excitement for you, and have everything ready and waiting. Our bags are packed, your room is finished and Mommy has been crazy with keeping the house clean! I think I may be driving Daddy insane...haha. Tomorrow we go to the Dr to start our weekly check ups!
Here's a picture of a VERY TIRED Mommy at 36 weeks.
Here's a picture of a VERY TIRED Mommy at 36 weeks.
Friday, January 20, 2012
False Alarm at 35 weeks
Today Mommy had a bit of a false alarm, and thought you were coming early! For the past couple of days Mommy has been losing her mucus plug and today at school it felt as if Mommy's water was leaking! After calling the Dr. they had me come in to get checked. After a couple of tests the Dr informed us it wasn't my water, which is good news because you need to cook a little bit more in Mommy's tummy. The Dr. told Mommy to keep an eye on what was going on so we will see if you can hold off a bit more.
35 Week Mommy--can you tell I am not sleeping very well anymore?! |
Saturday, January 14, 2012
BABY SHOWER & 34 week bump
Today Aunt Nancy, Mom, Aunt Steph, and Aunt Keke threw Mommy the MOST AMAZING Baby Shower ever! The theme was hot pink and zebra, SO PERFECT!
Mommy was definitely overwhelmed with how incredible the shower looked and all of the creative little touches Aunt Nancy incorporated into it, from pens to match the decor, water bottle labels, candy bar signs, zebra balloons, zebra plates and more! Here are some pictures from the shower!
Mommy was definitely overwhelmed with how incredible the shower looked and all of the creative little touches Aunt Nancy incorporated into it, from pens to match the decor, water bottle labels, candy bar signs, zebra balloons, zebra plates and more! Here are some pictures from the shower!
Mommy with the cake table! Aunt Nancy made the most delicious cupcakes and a belly bump cake. Guests also got to take home a cute little favor of confetti (pink jordon almonds) with an adorable thank you tag attached!
Aunt Nancy and Mommy |
Mommy with Aunt Steph and Aunt Keke who drove all the way from Iowa at 6am to celebrate!
AWESOME Belly Cake! |
Candy Table |
centerpiece |
Chocolate fountain and yummies for dipping! |
Drink table minus the pink lemonade fountain |
Mommy and Grandpa Phil and Nani Gina |
Guest table- complete with fancy pens, games, and prizes for the guests who win the games! |
The BEST AUNT! Auny Nancy holding up her beautiful creation, can you believe she made that?! |
Bell Prairie friends, Lor and Emily with Mommy. |
Mommy's best friends and Phi Mu sorority sisters from college! |
Nani's neighbors! |
The shower hosts with Mommy! |
Water! |
All YOUR incredible GIFTS!!! It took Mommy forever to get all of these opened! |
We were honestly so blessed with such an amazing day filled with so much love!
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