We celebrated Halloween in our new neighborhood! You dressed as a bumble bee and you had so much fun trick or treating! You even said "trick or treat" and "thank you" when you got your candy! Next year daddy and I decided we would take the wagon so that you didn't have to walk so far...you got tired quickly tonight! Happy Halloween!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
So...Mama has been having some trouble updating your blog lately. SO SORRY! I will try to do better, BUT, you are definitely keeping me busy.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Cook Family Reunion
We had a fun filled weekend at the Cook family reunion. You got to
play with so many of your cousins and had a great time!
play with so many of your cousins and had a great time!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
My little water bug! You are OBSESSED with the POOL! You ask for it constantly, and cannot wait to get your suit on! You have gotten quite the tan so far this summer! You've been saying "cheese" for pictures lately and really liking to look at them after I take them! My little diva!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Happy 4th of July
To start our 4th of July we headed into Liberty to watch the parade...it was literally a 10 minute event sans the confused look on your face while watching it in your stroller. After the parade we went to buy some fireworks and headed to Nani and Papa's house to visit. You LOVED the poppers and weren't even the slightest bit afraid!

We went home for naps and dinner then headed back out to Parkville's 4th of July carnival! You are such a people watcher and enjoyed watching the rides, next year you will be big enough to ride them!

Once the fireworks started you were in awe, "oooo" "wook" were some of the words you had to say while watching.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Morning at the Park
It's been SO hot here that we haven't been outside much this week...so we decided to go to the park in the morning before the weather was too bad. You LOVE the park, and I LOVE watching you run around and play. You are getting pretty good at climbing on the equipment!
Of course a trip to Oak Grove Park isn't complete without a walk down to see the geese!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Mommy and Daddy have enrolled you at Mercury Gymnastics in their Mini Mini Moons 18-24 month old class. So far you LOVE going to "nastics"! The first day you surprised me by listening to your teacher Miss Katie and trying all of the things she asked you to. After a couple visits, you definitely lead the pack, being very dare devilish which scares mommy at times, especially when you go down the slide into the pit.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Water Play Date
Today we met Tammy and Adelia at the spray grounds by their house. As you can see from the above picture you were ready to go from the moment I told you about it! You kept saying "poow" for pool and HAD to carry the bag!

At first you weren't too sure about the water spraying everywhere, but after seeing Adelia, you got the hang of it and loved getting wet!

We enjoyed a picnic lunch and played on the playground after the spray grounds. It was a GREAT day and you and Adelia had so much fun while Tammy and Mommy caught up! As you can see from the picture below...you were pooped after our fun day!
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